
We are delighted to have you here, exploring the exciting world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at our university. As the ICT Unit, our primary goal is to provide robust technological infrastructure and support to enhance the teaching, learning, and administrative processes within the university.

At Dominican University, we recognize the pivotal role that technology plays in modern education. We are committed to ensuring that our students, faculty, and staff have access to cutting-edge ICT resources and services that facilitate a seamless learning and working experience.

On this page, you will find a wealth of information about the ICT services we offer. From details about our network infrastructure, computer labs, and software applications to information on how to connect to the university's Wi-Fi network, we have you covered. We also provide guidance on accessing online learning platforms, utilizing e-library resources, and staying updated with the latest ICT policies and guidelines.
Welcome once again to the ICT Unit page, and we look forward to serving you in your technological endeavors.

Best regards,
ICT Unit
Dominican University, Ibadan